Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bad Day.

I once found out that there were people who actually read this blog. I was really nervous, because I have this bad habit of only posting when I am depressed. I promised myself that wouldn't happen anymore. My blog was a place for happiness and success in my quest! But I find the need tonight to break that rule. I hope my post does not scare anyone, these are the thoughts of a broken heart, but a healing one.

Days like these are the obstacles in the quest. Sometimes, we want to disappear. Sometimes we wish it was all over. Sometimes we want to pretend it away, or ignore it. Sometimes, our minds wander the darkest of pathways. We have to acknowledge that we all cry, and scream, we all wish and wait for things to be better. We all hope, not matter how small, we pray for the daylight.

This is part of life. Given, not to make us bitter, but to make us better. I suppose we must each learn for ourselves the silver lining, or the other door, everyone tells me is open.

I suppose in the end, we all find our own special way to crawl back to our holes, to try and nurture the wounds. Only some of us are lions.......

I wish I was a lion.

As such, I am not a lion, so I crawl back into my hole.


1 comment:

Meg said...

Hugs for Kara! You have an amazing way of putting things- I know I have felt that way many times.