Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Wisdom is only appreicated, by an anxious listener.
Mistakes are only regreted when unhappy.
A voice is meant to be heard.

Yet more often than not....
Wisdom falls short to pride.
Mistakes are meant to be made.
Voices clash together.
And as such......
Wisdom is lost to ages.
Happiness is lost to implulse.
Voises are lost in the noise.


Anonymous said...

Kara!! i love that picture of you and my sweet brother. Im so glad he found you, you are so amazing...
-Jessica Bloomer

Bailey said...

I do too! I love it I love it! And your blog isn't sad posts. It's inspiring and uplifting. Makes me want to be a better person too and that I can be so much more!

MERN said... that is just what this picture is....goodness. beautiful.