Thursday, August 6, 2009

drama drama drama......

Tonight, I am staying up late downstairs on the couch, angry..... About a subject with significant worth... Sometimes, you can tell, when your argument has lost the majority vote, and you have to give up your vision. It can be hard letting go of a dream, and sometimes as humans, we can be somewhat stubborn. For example, when you want your bed on the north side of the room, but your sister/roommate wants it on the south........ Clearly, the room functions better with the bed on the north side, but your sister (and your mother) argue that there is more privacy when the bed is on the south. BUT isn't that what the door is for? Or perhaps I have mistaken the purpose of the giant piece of wood hinged into the wall, which happens to block the view of the goings-on in the rest of the house.....ANYWAY! To have an idea is a basic human right, and to have it respectfully acknowledged is deserved. However! to sneak around and change the bed to the south side, when the you are not home has put me in such a state of distress!

Blah, blah, blah. This is the family drama that occurs here in my house. To which, I am sure by morning, I will have overcome, and "chillaxed" as my sister might say... nonetheless! May it be a lesson to ALL my readers, the bed CLEARLY belongs on the north side....
