Hello! I am in such a Wonderful mood right now. I officially have ONE week until I go home, and though I am completely heartbroken to leave my friends, and the beautiful country, and the wonderful adventure this has been, (oh, and the 65 degree weather!) I can't WAIT to get home! I am completely ecstatic because my mom is coming to see me, and we are going to spend the afternoon in London!
As I am sitting my room this evening, completely suffering because of hayfever, dieing to see my mom, relieved that I am almost done, happy to be going home, and thinking about my friends....something occurred to me.......I love this blog! Seriously? I don't know how it occurred to me, but it did! I am always thinking about this blog.... "ooo, I should put that on there" or "oh! I hope they read my blog!" This may be hard to believe, because I hardly ever update it, and because of the ever present spelling and grammatical mistakes, but it is true!
(Be ready for one cheesy moment! Just for you! )
So this is a thank you to you, dear reader. Thank you, for coming on this adventure with me, and thank you for your support, and your comments, and thank you for most of all, for being interested in me enough, to read the blog!
It is my intention, to keep the blog once I am home. Life will still be an adventure for me, I am sure of it. Whose life really isn't an adventure?
So, now that I am almost done, I feel that it would be appropriate to list some of the things I have learned here. First of all, though we may be across different cultures and believes, we are always more similar than we are different, sometimes, it just take a bit to find the similarities! Second, humility is strength, especially when it seems to be a weakness. Third, though Europe seems daunting, if you stick to crowded, well lit areas, you are always bound to find someone who will help, and they will probably speak English too :D Fourth, scary things, are fun....in the end, (this probably doesn't include traumatic things). Fifth, and the last, for now, because I could go on for quite a while....Facebook, isn't such a bad thing after all, right now I count it as a blessing, because I will be able to keep in touch with my friends here in England in the future years :D
For those of you in England, thanks for your friendship, thanks for sharing your country with me! and for those of you in America? see you soon!
Yay Kara! I'm excited you're going to still keep a blog. I like knowing what is going on in people's lives- and I'm realizing that we are moving in like 6 weeks and then I won't see ANYONE! So good for you!
Kara darling, you are too cute. It's been so fun to read about all your adventures!
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